Tuesday, February 27, 1979

Carnevale and Meals (2/27/1979)

Tuesday, February 27, 1979
After lunch, the handsome chauffeur, Dino, drove the kids and me to the Carnevale in Torino, in Piazza Vittorio Veneto next to the River Po that looked like a big polluted canal. Saw motorcycle stuntmen, went in a funhouse where the floor did all kinds of things; Dino was carrying Elena. Rode the bumper cars after Dino retrieved a car for me and Elena, curbside service! The boys did target shooting and Dino's bulls-eye won them a live quail! Saw the "Keystone Kops"/Torino police and articulated streetcars. On the way home we stopped at a Tabacchi/tobacco shop where the boys bought bubble gum.

Meals: I made the mistake of thinking the first entree was the meal. But it is only the first course.
A typical meal:
1) Starts with slices of ham or salami, with bread or breadsticks.
2) Potato salad-like dish (with freshly made mayonnaise) or salad of fresh greens.
3) Deviled or fried eggs, or soup, or ravioli (only a little sauce), or spaghetti in a butter garlic sauce, or rice.
4) Slices of cooked meat or fish (served with the head!) and a cooked vegetable (tomato, cabbage, zucchini, etc.).
5) Choice of up to five cheeses, or fruit.
6) Dessert (apple fritters, ice cream, or custard).
7) Brazilian coffee, or tea.
Kids drink water and adults drink bubbly red wine. Is that what is making me sleep well at night?

A bottle of milk in a green glass bottle with a cork is delivered daily. Mostly used for cooking, it is heavy and creamy tasting. If used to drink, it is heated with sugar, or chocolate, or coffee.

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